Cambodia is a Southeast Asian Nation where located in the Southern part of Mekong river or the area of well-known Mekong Delta where soils are fertile which is very much beneficial for rice farming and be able to offer the quality of rice supplied as staple for consumer worldwide.
Enhancing good quality of rice, safety food and good taste are necessary to develop the supply chain from upstream to downstream which is the one of the key success of “Apsara Rice” by having the control throughout the process, non-stop of R&D work to be assured every serve of our rice would bring satisfaction to consumers.
Emphasize from farm to table Apsara Rice (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. has to start focus on farmer living, farm management from cultivation until post-harvest, concentrate on every production processing until we have got the quality rice packed to delivery to valuable customers and consumers. In accordance with our company “3 benefits core values” by emphasizing on the benefit to “Nation” what / how to perform to pay back the country and secondly “People” which refer to all parties involves in our business to be ensured of their good living and lastly “Company” which all these things are our company’s direction and aim to become sustainable organization down the road.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you every parties concerned who support our rice business and be the part of today success in which we will definitely keep our mission of “Producing the Best Cambodian rice”. By Mr. BOONKIAT WONGCHAROENSANGSIRI.
Quality & Certification
The factory of APSARA RICE is the world standard factory, which have classified the real 100% Cambodian rice. The source is started from the efforts and commitments of Cambodian farmers via the world best standardize productivities. We put our attention to every procedure carefully classifying the best rice seed to receive the world best quality Cambodian rice. Royal Mongkut brand is the world well-known rice.
APSARA RICE (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. is located near the capital city, Phnom Penh, covers more than 36 hectares, equipped with the most modern rice processing machinery, strict quality control and quality assurance system and reliable traceability system.
Apara Rice (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. registered in Cambodia and is operated by the Charoen Pokphand (C.P) Group. C.P's experience and world-class facilities make it the world's Number 1 Thai Jasmine rice exporter, using C.P modern technologies, international standards of quality control and research and development, C.P is proud to introduce our unparalleled ROYAL MONGKUT rice.
Road No.51, Chamkar Loung village, Veangchas commune, Udong district, Kampong Speu province, Kingdom of Cambodia.